If you have any questions about our services or eye health, then you may find the answer below. Alternatively, you can give us a call at either of our branches to book an appointment or for expert advice.

Adults should have their eyes tested at least every two years. If you are under the age of 16 or over the age of 70 then we may want to see you more frequently. If you experience any problems with your eyes or eyesight then book an appointment to have them looked at, at your earliest convenience.

If we find that you need to wear glasses following your test, we will provide a prescription and order your glasses for you. We have a wide selection of frames from both boutique and leading brands, so we can help you find something you feel comfortable and stylish in. Alternatively, we may be able to discuss contact lenses.

Glaucoma is a medical condition that effects the eye’s optic nerve and can get progressively worse if left untreated. The associated pressure that forms in the eye can lead to a loss of vision, which can be permanent. Typically, symptoms are few and the condition can go unnoticed for a long period of time. Therefore, it is very important to keep up to date with your eye tests.

If you suffer from dry eyes, contact lenses may not be the best choice. Contact our optometrists for further advice on dry eye conditions and to discuss our selection of vision correction solutions.

Huxter & Davy Opticians have four premises – Looe, Torpoint, Padstow & Kingsbridge.

Higher Market Street, Looe, PL13 1BP – 01503 262054

56 Antony Road, Torpoint, PL11 2JR – 01752 813687

24 Duke St, Padstow, PL28 8AB – 01841 531 188

77 Fore St, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AB – 01548 852636

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Can I Get A Free Eye Test?

A number of people are entitled to an NHS funded eye examination for various reasons. This may include diabetes, glaucoma or age related issues. please contact us for more information or visit NHS website.

Contact Huxter & Davy Opticians

Contact Huxter & Davy Opticians if you need support with you eye health.